Transnational Access

The HiRadMat Transnational Access (TNA) is intented to support and encourage participation of EU collaborators interested in using the facility for material tests for accelerator or detector R&D.

CERN operates the accelerator complex including the SPS and HiRadMat@SPS facility based on a yearly schedule. CERN support includes the basic infrastructure for the experiments (electricity, network connectivity, office space, connections, control room, limited technical support for last minute corrections or modifications, etc.), installation of the experiments, preparation of the beams, and the beam operation during the experiments. The beam in the HiRadMat Experiments is provided free of charge to CERN users and external users.

The TNA funds will be used to cover travel and subsistence expenses related to the stay at CERN for the experiment. It can be used to cover expenses for safety inspections or consultations for the experiments and also for packaging and logistic expenses for waste handling.

The HiRadMat experiments are single beam pulse experiments. Each experiment requires real beam time, often over several periods, and therefore each experiment is expected to run over the course of several days - typically a week. This is due to several factors during the experiment where for the beam pulse a reconfiguration of the entire CERN accelerator complex (i.e. LINAC, booster, PS, SPS) may be needed if changes in intensity, focusing etc is required. Preparation of the experiment and post-irradiation evaluation of the results will also depend on the complexity of the experiment and will require the users time.

The results of the experiments using this facility will be presented to the scientific community on a regular basis in workshops and conferences​.

The Transnational Access Programme poses certain restrictions upon the eligibility of users based on nationalities of group members and location of their home institutions. These restrictions are also subject to the Contract between the EuCARD-2 Consortium and the EU, and are mandatory to all parties involved. The main criteria for eligibility are outlined below. Additional information can be obtained directly from the EU Cordis web site or from EuCARD-2.


Only research teams conducting their research in the Member States or Associated Countries are eligible to benefit from access to the infrastructure under the contract. The term "research team" means a group of one or more researchers not necessarily all coming from the same country.

To be eligible, a user group must satisfy the following conditions:

  • both the user group leader and the majority of the users must work in an institution established in a Member State or Associated State;
  • both the user group leader and the majority of the users must work in a country other than the country(ies) where the legal entity(ies) operating the infrastructure is(are) established; (Note: this condition is not applicable to HiRadMat because CERN has the status of "International Organization". As a result users from France and Switzerland are eligible to apply, see Annex 3 pdf for more details.)
  • only research teams that are entitled to publish the results of their project performed at the facility in the open press may apply for access to a participating infrastructure.

Eligible countries outside the European Union:

  • Associated countries: Albania, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina (1 January 2009).

Further information about eligible countries outside the EU can be found here:


All ARIES publications must include the following acknowledgement text:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 730871.